Attendance is always an area in which we are looking to improve. We would appreciate your support in ensuring that children arrive to school on time and that they return to school as quickly as possible after illness.


School Pick-up and Drop-off

Morning Arrivals

We will continue with our “flexible arrival” between 8:30am and 8:45am. Lessons will start promptly at 8:45am, please make sure that your child is in their classroom and ready to learn by 8:45am.


Afternoon Pick-up

  • Nursery: 11:30am
  • Reception: 3:05pm
  • Rest of school: 3:15pm


What should I do if my child is not well enough to attend school?
If your child is not well enough to attend school please report this by phoning the Office on 01473 601402  option 1 from 8am. We MUST receive this information by 8.45am. 


If you are calling to report your child's absence please give details of the reason; sick, poorly or unwell is not sufficient and may result in a follow up call to gather more information.  Please be aware that, at Hillside, we expect pupils to attend regularly and minor ailments, such as tummy or headaches, should not prevent a child from being at school.  Pain relief can be given before school and, if necessary, further doses can be given by staff, provided you complete a form at the office. 


Please support us in reducing the number of school days lost.  A day off school means a day where learning is lost. 



Why is attendance so important?





















*Why Do We Worry About Attendance?*


A 90% attendance rate means that a child is missing the equivalent of one
half day of lessons every week. If that child has a 90% attendance rate
through KS1 and KS2 they will have missed half a school year in that time.
A child with an 80% attendance over 5 years misses one complete year of
school. That works out at missing 40 days of education in each year – just
over one day per week, every week. So if pupils remain at 80% attendance
from Year 1 to year 11 they will miss more than 2 full years of education.
That’s why we worry about attendance!


The School is working closely with the Education Welfare Service to address
attendance issues. You can help us by ensuring that your child is in school
on time, and that they are only absent if they are really too ill to be in
school. Our attendance policy documents our approach to improving


Suffolk County Council - Attendance




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