Intent: Developing children’s geographical skills and understanding of the relationships between human and physical features and personal and cultural experience to encourage their curiosity of the world around them, inspiring a lifelong passion for Geography.


The Hillside Geography Curriculum is underpinned by CUSP and follows a clear process focussing on:  

  • Substantive concepts - The big ideas, and the golden threads. These include place, space, scale, interdependence, physical and human processes, environmental impact, sustainable development, cultural awareness and diversity.  
  • Substantive knowledge - Geographical subject knowledge and explicit vocabulary linked to content. 
  • Disciplinary knowledge - How to think as a geographer. 

Pupils in EYFS learn about the environment and the world around them, starting with self and their locality, ensuring they understand their place in the world. They build on this knowledge through exploring maps and globes, making cultural links and developing their experience of the environment around them.  

Across the school, children are encouraged to investigate the world and cultures around them using the geographical skills they have learnt by building on prior learning and providing them with enrichment opportunities to put their learning into practise.


Geography Long Term Plans

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