Intent: We aim to foster a love of languages.

At Hillside, we aim to foster and develop a lifelong love of languages. With a richly diverse community and a variety of languages spoken, we strive to develop the competence of every child as a language learner.

With French as our chosen common foreign language, at Hillside, our goal is for pupils to be passionate, curious and confident about their own foreign language learning abilities when they leave our school. With weekly lessons delivered using the most engaging teaching styles and resources, we aim to ensure that all pupils of all abilities develop solid foundations of the key language learning skills, speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar.

At Hillside, we enjoy celebrating wider cultural aspects in our languages curriculum, such as a whole-school celebration on European Day of Languages and our highlighted ‘Language of the Month’. Through these and in our wider languages curriculum, we will also help strengthen the pupils’ sense of identity through learning about culture in other countries and comparing it with their own.

“When you teach my language, you make me feel it is important and it makes me feel special.”
Romanian child Year 5.”


Tuesday 26th September 2023

Hillside are delighted to be holding their first "Wow" day of the new school year. European Day of Languages is on Tuesday 26th September and is the perfect opportunity to both celebrate the wonderful diversity of European languages spoken in our school and beyond, and to launch our new Modern Foreign Language of French and the fantastic resources which teachers and pupils will be using to learn it. At Hillside, our aim is to foster a love of learning languages, so what better way to start our new language and culture curriculum than by celebrating European Day of Languages with the whole school? On this special day, the children will all be participating in fun, language-based learning, from singing songs from other European countries to learning about their geography, cultures and traditions. Indeed, we will also be delighted to continue this appreciation of languages with our chosen 'Language of the Month' so that we can continue celebrating the different languages which make up our fantastic Hillside community.


Language and culture Long Term Plans

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