Student Leadership Team 

At Hillside Primary School, we believe that every pupil is an integral part of  the Hillside family. We recognise the Importance of pupils taking ownership of and having greater roles within school decision-making, and, underpinned by our school values, Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Brave, the Student Leadership Team, are a recognised voice for all students in the school.

The term pupil leadership reflects the importance of providing children with the opportunities and support to play a role in making the decisions that affect them.

The principles of effective student leadership include:

  • Recognising that pupils have logical perspectives and opinions on issues that matter in the classroom, in the school, and in the community.
  • Giving pupils an active role in influencing decisions about these issues as well as in the implementation of these decisions.
  • Enabling pupils to participate as active young citizens.


Student Leadership Team Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Act as an ambassador for the school both in and out.
  • Represent pupil voice.
  • Work alongside the senior leadership team to continue to improve our school
  • Help the governors to make decisions on behalf of the pupils.
  • Meet regularly to feedback to the senior leadership team and governors about key decisions.

School Council 

Our school council is made up of 1 representative from each class in KS2. Every class votes for the person they think would make a good school councillor, looking for someone who listens well, is confident to speak to adults about the needs and wants of their peers and who represents the school's values. 

School council meets every 2 weeks. They start by listening to the opinions of the other children in their class on the items from the School Council Agenda. When they return to their class they then feedback what they have decided and what the new agenda is. 

The school council discusses various matters, ranging from safety to school dinner choices and new ideas to develop the school. They endeavour to solve problems, bring new ideas and to make the school an even better place to be. They are the voice of our children. 



Inclusion Ambassadors

Hillside Inclusion Ambassadors have a multi faceted role, promoting and celebrating the diversity within our school community as well as educating their classmates and other members of our school community about inclusion, and the 9 protected characteristics, including racism and homophobia. The team is made of children across Key Stage 2 but they work across the whole school, celebrating and supporting the education of all.  

Inclusion Ambassador Minutes & Person Specification


Anti - Bullying Ambassadors

As part of our proactive approach to addressing and preventing bullying, Hillside Primary School has a dedicated team of Anti-bullying Ambassadors. Our Ambassadors are working with the Diana Award; developing our young people’s confidence to stand up and speak out against bullying. Alongside our Student Council and Inclusion Ambassadors, we want to ensure that all children are heard and know how to keep themselves and others both physically and mentally safe. Our team is made up of children from KS2 who were voted for by their peers. 



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