Poppy Appeal - November 2023

At Hillside, we held a Remembrance Assembly in memory of those who were lost and fought in wars and conflict over the years. We contacted the British Legion who were very helpful and provided us with poppies and other items to sell to raise money. We looked at footage of one of the biggest parades in the UK which takes place each year at The Cenotaph in London, discussed the significance of poppies and what the purple poppy represents. We finished off with all of the children listening to ‘The Last Post’. Our pupils showed the utmost respect during all the Remembrance activities and the school raised £210!

Children in Need- November 23

We raised awareness of Children in Need by donating money and dressing up in spots and yellow. Even Joy took part!

Anti Bullying Week - November 23

At Hillside, we have a zero tolerance approach to bullying. We have used this week to remind all pupils of how to report bullying or anything they are worried about, That there are people who care and can help if they are struggling with a bullying- related issue and where to find their school’s Anti-Bullying Policy. 

Bullying is defined as: behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online.

On Monday, we launched the week with an ‘Odd socks’ day. Ofsted recently commented ‘ We are a happy and diverse environment’. We used our ‘Odd socks’ as another way of celebrating our differences and uniqueness. 


Local Singer Songwriter welcomed at Ipswich Primary School's Anti bullying week assembly

Local Singer Songwriter Roma  visited Hillside Primary School in Ipswich, years 5 & 6, to talk about bullying and how she used her music and fundraising for local charities to overcome her own bullying experience as a young teen, during their Anti bullying week.

The children listened to Roma speak about her many  years of verbal, physical and online bullying during her final years at primary school and throughout high school. Many of the children  asked Roma questions about bullying and her music.

They also enjoyed listening to Romas song written about bullying 'Stronger ' and  the Judy Garland classic  'Somewhere over the Rainbow'

As a parting gift Roma gave each child a leaflet about bullying and a signed copy of her first ever Album which she released back in 2018  when she was 13 years old.

Mrs Wass said, ' What an inspirational visit. Thank you to Roma for sharing her stories and being part of our themed Anti-Bullying week at Hillside!' 

The school visit was organised by Mike Grimwood Designated Safeguarding  Lead at the school who first met a 9 year old Roma when she auditioned for Ipswich has got talent. She went straight through to the final with his golden buzzer. He has followed the young musical star on her journey from busking in town to the stage at Latitude.

Mike advised that Roma is a caring, compassionate and strong individual and it has been a pleasure to see her journey in life has brought her success at such a young age, I have no doubt will be hearing more about her in the future

Roma has raised over £22,000 for local charities through her singing , performances and Album sales and whilst at High school was an Antibullying ambassador.

Roma, now aged 18, speaks about her passion for music and her own experiences of being bullied in her younger years at events and schools whenever she can.

"Speaking to these amazing children,  I hope  has shown them  that there is a way to beat the bullies and that moving forward they stay strong, be kind and follow  their dreams", said the inspirational singer after her school visit.

You can find out more about roma on all social media @romasworlduk and hear her music on Spotify as Artist Roma.

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