Intent: Achieving athletic greatness through opportunity.

At Hillside we provide a range of opportunities for children to engage in Physical activity from the Early Years through to Year 6. This includes both planned PE lessons as well as lunchtime and after school clubs.  The teaching of our PE curriculum is supported by specialist coaches from Essex Professional Coaching and focuses on a vertical progression model tailored to the needs of our school community. We have made a conscious and deliberate decision about the sports we offer, focussing on the development of basic transferable skills and expertise in  key areas. The core sports that we focus on include basketball, rounders, football, gymnastics and dance. 

Through our extra curricular offer, children are able to experience and participate in a range of additional sports including cricket, hockey, tennis and multiskills. All children are taught swimming in Year 5 at our local swimming pool, taught by qualified swimming instructors and again tailored to the level the individual children are working at. 

Physical Education Long Term Plans

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