In the EYFS we want the children to become curious, independent learners, communicators and positive members of the community. Through the development of communication and social skills, children will be able to keep themselves and others safe. Children will also learn foundational skills, vocabulary and knowledge that they can build on and apply effectively as they progress through school. 



Hillside EYFS curriculum

The Early Years Statutory Framework outlines seven areas of learning and development; these are the basis of our curriculum, with underpinning development of the characteristics of effective learning.  Our curriculum works on the child as the starting point and moves outwards as the year progresses. This allows the child to make links between new learning, prior knowledge and what they have already experienced. This is in line with cognitive science and children building their mental models. We understand that all children learn at different rates so through this approach we can meet the needs of all the children at Hillside.

Continuous provision is planned and developed throughout the year based on the skills children need to build and the knowledge they have learnt. We then plan enhancements, which can sometimes change daily, that relate carefully to the children’s needs and interests. These enhancements build on to the continuous provision which is always available. The children also have access to a garden which is an extension of the inside classroom. In the garden children have the opportunity to develop their skills, learning and understanding further through exploration and having the opportunity to use bigger movements. Children are supported in their play through meaningful interactions to develop their vocabulary. Children are encouraged to join in with activities, be independent and to make choices. “Play is essential for children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, relate to others, set their own goals and solve problems.” (EYFS Statutory Framework)

In Nursery
The texts we use help to promote a love of reading for all children. Texts cover a range of genres from traditional tales to poems. Children in Nursery start phonics in the summer term before they start reception. 

We use NCETM, Numberblocks and the non-statutory development matters document to guide our nursery maths curriculum. 

In Reception
The texts we use provide the context for our curriculum and are the thread that runs through it. We use a captivating hook to grab children’s attention to our new text and provide them with an opportunity to think and talk about how it relates to themselves. Our texts cover a range of cultures which helps to develop children’s understanding of the world. 

We use a mastery maths approach which is supported by resources from Power Maths, NCETM Mastering Number and Numberblocks. Through the maths mastering number, we follow the guidance that all children have access to the same learning at the same time. 

Phonics and early reading is taught through daily Read Write Inc sessions. We assess regularly to ensure children are continuously progressing. Children take home reading books which match their phonics ability, children also read this book at school. They also have the opportunity to take home a library book which can be read to the child by a family member, to promote a love of reading.



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