Week beginning 13th November, 2023

Anti Bullying

At Hillside, we have a zero tolerance approach to bullying. We have used this week to remind all pupils of how to report bullying or anything they are worried about, That there are people who care and can help if they are struggling with a bullying- related issue and where to find their school’s Anti-Bullying Policy. 

Bullying is defined as: behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online.

The following acronym is used when explaining bullying to children: STOP

O – ON

On Monday, we launched the week with an ‘odd socks’ day. Ofsted recently commented ‘ We are a happy and diverse environment’. We used our ‘odd socks’ as another way of celebrating our differences and uniqueness. 

Lessons and assemblies throughout the week have focused on: what bullying means to us, how banter can turn into something more hurtful, and what we can do to stop bullying.  Thank you to our Anti Bullying ambassador team of children for all their support! We hope you have found our resources sent home useful. 

Visit from Roma 

Roma has been performing since a very young age including, at the age of nine, playing a young Fiona in Shrek the Musical. Developing her skills over the following years has seen her perform at major music events, such as Latitude and two times in the final of Ipswich Has Got Talent, in front of an audience at the Ipswich Regent.. She endured many years of bullying in both primary and secondary school and today, through a series of questions, she led an assembly with Year 5 and 6 about her  highs and lows and the things she put in place to make sure the bullies, eventually, did not win. 


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