What is the Leading Parent Partnership Award?

The purpose of this nationally recognised award is to help focus on the school’s partnership work with parents and families. During this process we built on the many strengths the school already has with our parents and carers.  We want to provide opportunities for parents to have a voice in everyday school life. We want to do everything we possibly can to help parents and families support their children. 

The LPPA consists of ten evidence-based Objectives which schools must meet to get the award.


1.   The school demonstrates a commitment to work towards the Leading Parent Partnership Award.

2.   The school makes and implements effective plans to achieve and maintain the Leading Parent Partnership Award.

3.   The school is a welcoming and friendly place for parents.

4.   The school promotes an awareness of and participation in lifelong learning opportunities available in school and in the community to all groups of parents.

5.   The school holds and actively promotes enrichment opportunities or events for joint parent/child participation.

6.   The school provides good induction for all new parents.

7.   The school provides parents with relevant and user-friendly guidance and information to help them support their children’s learning.

8.   The school produces and implements parent friendly policies to establish effective home school-links and improve pupil/student attendance, punctuality, behaviour and progress and positive participation in school.

9.   The school provides good support for transition for parents when their children leave the school.

10. The school evaluates performance against the Leading Parent Partnership Award.

The LPPA is a nationally recognised award achievable by schools who work very closely with the families of their pupils.  The assessment is made by an external advisor. You can read more about the award on the Award Place website .

What difference will the award make to the work done with families at Hillside Primary School?

We aim for the way we work with families, the way we communicate with families and the way we engage with families to go from strength to strength.  As you know we are always trying to improve and completing this award will help us do that!

The long-term benefits of the LPPA include (but are not limited to):

  • Increased parent participation and involvement
  • Enhanced parents’ support in children’s learning
  • Improved communication between home and school
  • Contribute to improved pupil attendance, punctuality, behaviour and progress

How families helped us gain the award?

  • Read all information that we send out
  • Come along to events we organise if you are able - mainly virtual at the moment
  • Complete any questionnaires we send out as honestly as you can

What was involved in the process?

The LPPA working party was established and they meet to work on their action plan and gather the evidence needed to gain the award.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. 


Parent Council

'You said, we listened, we did'

We will meet every half term to represent your views on matters relating to you and your child.

You can contact us by:

  • Sharing views at the school gate

  • Emailing the school

We look forward to hearing from you! 


Parent Partnership


Parent Courses



1st Feb 24 - Reading workshop - EYFS/ KS1

8th Feb 24 - Online Safety workshop - All Years 

13th Feb 24 - Science workshop - All Years

27th Feb 24 - Maths workshop - Year 5 and 6 

9th March 24 - Reading workshop - EYFS/ KS1

20th March 24 - Maths workshop - Year 3 and 4

25th April 24 - Launch of reading course for parents

23rd May 24 - Launch of writing course for parents 


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