Intent: Enabling our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.


At Hillside, our PSHE curriculum underpins everything that we do. We recognise the challenges that come with the specific demographic of our local community and have planned our curriculum in order to help children to develop their emotional resilience and break down barriers to their learning. We embrace the PSHE Association’s vision of giving every child and young person an opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive now and in the future. 

Our curriculum is supported by ‘You, Me, PSHE’; our knowledge as a Trauma Informed School and our restorative behaviour approach. This includes helping children to deal with critical issues they face everyday such as friendships, emotional wellbeing and change. We supplement this with specific interventions such as ELSA, Peer Support Groups and Social Skills for key children. 

Within our curriculum we cover specific themes that include age and developmentally appropriate topics for different year groups. One topic per half term is taught to each year group with Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) being taught over a whole term in Years 2, 4 and 6. IN addition to this we teach reactive PSHE which allows us to support groups and individuals to explore themes pertinent to their specific cohort which may arise throughout the academic year. This may include additional PSHE sessions linked to RSE in year groups other than Years 2,4 and 6. 

Our core curriculum offer cover the following topics:

  • Drug, alcohol and tobacco education
  • Keeping safe and managing risk
  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Physical health and wellbeing
  • Identity, society and equality
  • Careers, economic wellbeing and financial capability

We work closely with external agencies including Suffolk Police and PCSOs and Suffolk One Life, to ensure our PSHE offer is meeting the specific needs of our individual children, parents and the wider community. This includes work with all groups on E-safety. 

PSHE Long Term Plans

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