Intent: Inspiring pupils to acquire knowledge, as an artist, and enable them to skilfully attempt and apply their understanding.

The Hillside Art Curriculum is not only highly skills focussed but also encourages children to explore the world of art through encounters with artists from across different cultures and eras as well as developing a deep understanding of artistic vocabulary and techniques.  The artistic disciplines taught are blocked and include drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles, 3D and collage. Vertical progression in each discipline allows pupils to revisit key areas throughout their primary journey at increasing degrees of challenge and complexity. 

Unapologetically ambitious, our art curriculum focuses on excellence in this subject through a myriad of media and incredible artists. 

The teaching of this curriculum is supported by our specialist Art Lead, who herself has an Art Degree and is an Associate Leader and Lead Practitioner across the Active Learning Trust.

Art - Long term plans

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